Thursday, November 4, 2010

Colors I like in the FALL

Fall is one of my favorite times of year. Why? Because the colors are hot. And you can start layering clothing, which is also hot.

One of my favorite colors for any article of clothing in Autumn:
Why? Because you blend nicely with the fall foliage.

curtesy of: etsy
curtesy of: piperlime

curtesy of: jcrew

curtesy of: neimanmarcus

And it goes well with any skin tone...

Also, any shade of brown looks rich, sophisticated, and classy. Brown comes in a ton of shades, so you don't have to be limited to the "poop brown" palette, which people automatically think of when thinking of brown.

curtesy of: jcrew

But if you do stick with the poop-brown palette, it's still hot!:

curtesy of: jcrew

curtesy of: bananarepublic

Lastly, shades of deep red in any outfit is SEXY. Now I don't mean a full blood-red ensemble (red shirt, red shoes, red skirt, red bracelet), because you'll look like you're entire body is menstruating:

curtesy of:the-coveted

And yes, there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing."
Play it more subtle with just one red piece.

curtesy of: neimanmarcus

Prada came out with this bag and these gloves that are accented with red, and they make me cry every time I see them ('cause they're so hot)....

Curtesy of: neimanmarcus and

(sorry the second pic is so shitty; it wouldn't let me save it, so I took a screenshot.)

stay well-dress,